What is Global Schools Group (GSG)?

What are the advantages of being part of the GSG network of schools?

How is the Global Schools Group's approach to education different?

Global Schools Group is an award-winning interconnected network of leading international schools across the world. Being truly global at heart and in presence, GSG transcends boundaries to provide a world-class learning experience through diversity, experience and the scale of its widespread network. We enable the right environment and impart the necessary knowledge, skills & values to help build a better future, powered by the community of global leaders of tomorrow.
Global Schools Group is an interconnected global network that spans across schools, countries, and nationalities.
Powered by multiple international curricula & best practices, an advanced technological infrastructure, and a holistic approach to education, the GSG Edge gives students and teachers access to the best of all worlds along with the opportunity to connect, communicate and collaborate seamlessly. It entails:
1. Global Pedagogy, Curricula & Best Practices
Our pedagogy includes almost all leading global curricula like Cambridge, IB, American Common Core among others and we use the collective expertise and best practices of our combined network to bring a superior academic experience for every student. Know more
2. Seamless Transfers & Integration within the Network
Need to change locations? No stress. We have a seamless integration system if a student and/or their family need to relocate to another region or country within our network. Know More
3. Placements in Internationally-acclaimed Universities
Our students get placed in the top institutions like the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford & LSE among others
4. Access to Global Community & Resources
Every student gets access to a global community of like-minded students, expert teachers and a global repository of network resources.
5. Global exchange of Ideas & Cultures
Students get to participate at several global platforms, events and exchange programmes where they also interact with students from other schools & countries, opening them to many different cultures, values and opportunities.
At the Global Schools Group, we firmly believe that the education system and the environment for the academic experience are one of the most significant contributors to a child’s learning journey. That’s why we lay tremendous emphasis on these here.
We understand that every child has their own learning arc and their own growth process, which is why we focus on tailored methods to enhance every child’s development holistically for now and the future. We don’t simply educate, we enable, encourage and empower our students by:
Maximising their potential through Personalised Learning Systems
We chart our students’ individual progression through our smart programmes and assess, guide and mentor them accordingly.
Inculcating the Love for Learning
We invoke a natural enthusiasm for learning in our students which is fuelled by fun, creativity, imagination & engagement.
Empowering Them with Life Skills
We help develop and hone our students’ aptitude & competence through platforms and events that equip them with future-ready skills & universal values to prepare them for life.
Our technologically advanced infrastructure forms the backbone of our global network while our extremely qualified & experienced faculty is the engine that drives it. This is what makes us strong and truly global.
What are the achievements of Global Schools Group?

Which universities have GSG students got admissions in?

How many students have graduated over the years from GSG schools?

The Global Schools Group has always strived for world-class excellence in all areas as far as education and management are concerned.
Our smart learning & management systems along with our empowering methods and our serious commitment to superior pedagogy have won the network 600+ awards across categories in the last two decades. Among other recognitions, the Global Schools have won awards & certifications for Performance Excellence, Academic Excellence, Best Practices, Technology, Innovation, Sustainability, Quality and many other criteria by renowned autonomous institutions like the APQO, Enterprise Singapore, IMC, EFQM & ISO among others. Know more

1. Global Pedagogy, Curricula & Best Practices
Our pedagogy includes almost all leading global curricula like Cambridge, IB, American Common Core among others and we use the collective expertise and best practices of our combined network to bring a superior academic experience for every student. Know more
2. Seamless Transfers & Integration within the Network
Need to change locations? No stress. We have a seamless integration system if a student and/or their family need to relocate to another region or country within our network. Know More
3. Placements in Internationally-acclaimed Universities
Our students get placed in the top institutions like the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford & LSE among others
4. Access to Global Community & Resources
Every student gets access to a global community of like-minded students, expert teachers and a global repository of network resources.
5. Global exchange of Ideas & Cultures
Students get to participate at several global platforms, events and exchange programmes where they also interact with students from other schools & countries, opening them to many different cultures, values and opportunities.
Many GSG alumni have earned a place in the Top 10 universities around the world including the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford and Stanford University. Our students have also joined Ivy League colleges like Yale and Cornell University and other prestigious universities around the world like NUS, Melbourne University, NTU, LSE, among others.
More than 100,000 students have graduated from all GSG schools in over two decades.

1. Global Pedagogy, Curricula & Best Practices
Our pedagogy includes almost all leading global curricula like Cambridge, IB, American Common Core among others and we use the collective expertise and best practices of our combined network to bring a superior academic experience for every student. Know more
2. Seamless Transfers & Integration within the Network
Need to change locations? No stress. We have a seamless integration system if a student and/or their family need to relocate to another region or country within our network. Know More
3. Placements in Internationally-acclaimed Universities
Our students get placed in the top institutions like the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford & LSE among others
4. Access to Global Community & Resources
Every student gets access to a global community of like-minded students, expert teachers and a global repository of network resources.
5. Global exchange of Ideas & Cultures
Students get to participate at several global platforms, events and exchange programmes where they also interact with students from other schools & countries, opening them to many different cultures, values and opportunities.
The Global Schools Group has 12 schools with 64 campuses as part of its network which spreads across 11 countries.
View all our schools here.
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Donec tempus interdum justo, eget aliquam ligula facilisis ac. Nunc eget facilisis risus. Integer ullamcorper pharetra placerat. Donec ex risus, finibus at felis nec, commodo scelerisque ante. Aenean dignissim finibus turpis, in molestie risus. Cras mattis varius libero, sit amet elementum magna vulputate ut. Pellentesque tincidunt augue a felis blandit lacinia. Phasellus vitae orci justo. Aenean venenatis et diam at sagittis. Donec faucibus turpis magna. Curabitur convallis libero eu fermentum egestas. Nullam varius, augue sed tincidunt pellentesque, tortor nibh placerat libero, sit amet laoreet sapien odio in augue. Suspendisse vel tempus nunc, et sollicitudin nisl. Donec feugiat id libero id sodales. Sed sit amet gravida metus.
Does GSG have an alumni programme in place?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus luctus tortor ut pharetra faucibus. Vivamus et elementum tortor. Pellentesque auctor nibh risus, a venenatis diam imperdiet quis. Fusce mauris lectus, porttitor ac pharetra vel, blandit in urna. Aliquam imperdiet fringilla sem, et posuere urna. Maecenas in mattis est. Maecenas tortor justo, bibendum eget dolor at, euismod ullamcorper lectus. Phasellus fermentum pellentesque pulvinar. Curabitur viverra et ligula eu pretium.
Donec tempus interdum justo, eget aliquam ligula facilisis ac. Nunc eget facilisis risus. Integer ullamcorper pharetra placerat. Donec ex risus, finibus at felis nec, commodo scelerisque ante. Aenean dignissim finibus turpis, in molestie risus. Cras mattis varius libero, sit amet elementum magna vulputate ut. Pellentesque tincidunt augue a felis blandit lacinia. Phasellus vitae orci justo. Aenean venenatis et diam at sagittis. Donec faucibus turpis magna. Curabitur convallis libero eu fermentum egestas. Nullam varius, augue sed tincidunt pellentesque, tortor nibh placerat libero, sit amet laoreet sapien odio in augue. Suspendisse vel tempus nunc, et sollicitudin nisl. Donec feugiat id libero id sodales. Sed sit amet gravida metus.